African Mango is one of the latest discoveries on the weight loss market. The product contains an extract of African mango, whose slimming properties surpass the effectiveness of the popular acai berry extract. The product stormed the American market and recently has also been available in Europe, where it is expected to have a bright future.


African Mango

The Secret of an Effective Diet is hidden in African Mango

The product is made from a natural extract of African mango seed (Irvingia Gabonensis) and effectively:

  • May help you to burn fat tissue.
  • Removes harmful toxins from the body.
  • Reduces appetite.
  • Reduces cholesterol level.
  • Your way to achieve a slim body!!!

    African Mango:

  • is an unrivaled dietary supplement that speeds up fat burning,
  • contains 100% effective ingredients,
  • is effective in reducing abdominal fat,
  • is a safe formula based on natural ingredients that support weight loss,
  • reduces appetite and helps you feel full for longer!